Driving in Australia

Thinking of driving one of our Transfercars in Australia? Well, fine.roadsign_428x269_to_468x312

If you’re a visitor and hold a valid driver’s licence (in English) from your own country, fine, you’re allowed to drive throughout all of Australia. (But an international driver’s licence, if you have one, does not by itself give you the right to drive in Australia.)

If your driver’s licence is not in English, a translation may be necessary and you may also need to have an international driver’s licence.

Read the full article here….

Annoying animals across the globe

This is an interesting article from Stuff.co.nz and one I would love to hear more about from Transfercar’s readers and drivers.  Post your comments here or on Facebook and tell us what your craziest/scariest or just weirdest animal experience was while travelling!

cute squirrels“Aw, isn’t it cute?”

That, right there, is the officially accepted response to any animal contact the world over. Animals are cute. They’re there to be photographed, adored, and occasionally fed.

But you know what? Not all animals are cute, or adorable, or even nice. Some of them are a rank pain in the butt.

When you travel, you come into contact with all sorts of animals you never even dreamed existed. Some of them are amazing creatures that you’ll be telling friends about for the rest of your life.

Some of them just annoy the hell out of you.

Read the full article here……..

Tourism NZ tells Aussies “what’s ours is yours”

aereoinsilouette“What’s ours is yours” is the latest advertising campaign currently running across the ditch in a bid to entice Australian holiday makers.

It is a joint campaign between Tourism New Zealand and Pacific Blue will see Australians offered discounted airfares and travel packages through television and print advertising.

Read the full story: TV3 News

NZ Herald OE photo competition

New Zealand Herald has got this brilliant ‘Kiwi OE photo’ competition, some brilliantly beautiful photos added from Kiwis all over the world everyday.

NZ Herald OE Photo Competition

Have a look at it here

Was thinking what alternative ‘OE stands for’ I could come up with

Overweight Englishman,
Outsourcing Economy,
Outlandish Exposure,
Overturned Elephant,
Organised Embossing,

All great competitions I reckon! =)

[ps – OE = Overseas Experience]