AAA picks 10 best new vehicle technologies, thinks green

Green TravelGreen Auto Blog…..

It’s no secret that automobiles get more technologically advanced every passing year. A good deal of these vehicular innovations have a lot to do with saving gas, reducing emissions, and, more recently, teaching the driver to pilot the vehicle in a more efficient manner. If you feel like you need help in choosing which bits of techno-geekery are the best, AAA has just created a list specifically for you.

Included in AAA’s top 10 tech picks are solar roof panels and “green” driving assistance aids. Rooftop solar panels are pretty self-explanatory and can help keep an vehicle’s battery charged up or help keep the cabin cool in the hot sun. The 2010 Toyota Prius is probably the best-known example of this technology. So, what’s a green driving aid?

Honda’s new 2010 Insight hybrid uses what the automaker calls an Eco Assist dashboard that changes colors from green to blue to teach the driver to be more efficient. Ford uses something similar in the 2010 Fusion Hybrid called the SmartGauge cluster, which uses dual 4.3-inch LCDs and a graphic that shows leaves growing on a tree when you are driving efficiently. We tend to like them, but whether or not these are desirable features is definitely up to each individual driver.

Read the full article thanks to

For a free car or campervan, check out for New Zealand or for Australia!

Driving in Australia: Surviving the outback

Travelling in a 4x4 in the Australian outback from PerthThe Australian outback is not your most friendliest piece of landscape and it is not uncommon to hear about international travellers (and a few locals) being stranded in remote regions, or lost in heavy bush-land and at times with deadly consequences.

As Transfercar has companies offering their free cars for relocation across the Australian outback, we feel it’s worth discussing some safety tips for driving in these regions. Continue reading Driving in Australia: Surviving the outback

New Zealand Car Rental Companies Must Now Prove Damages

Rental agreementsTara Ewing, a New Zealand resident, has won her case for the reimbursement of $280, charged to her by a local rental company for claimed damages to the rental vehicle.

The disputes tribunal ruled that the car rental company lacked evidence of a pre-rental inspection.

Apparently the person who picked up the rental testified that he had to walk down the street to get the vehicle, and no inspection with an employee took place. No itemized invoice, photos — before or after — or other documentation of the damage was available from the car rental company.

This is a wakeup call for both rental companies and potential customers who may find themselves in this situation if careful inspection of both vehicles and small print do not take place.

Transfercar has seen this issued once before involving one of their free rental deals. In light of this recent event, Transfercar urges all parties to be diligent with their dealings and to make sure that all the correct documentation is provided as we wish to see all of our customers and suppliers satisfied with their arrangements.

Read the full article from the New Zealand Herald

Schweppes Sydney Cup Grand Finale of the BMW Sydney Carnival!

Get your best dress (and hat) on darlings and get to the Schweppes Sydney Cup this weekend for the grand finale of the BMW Sydney Carnival!

Not sure how to get there? No worries, has some great free rental cars and campervans heading that way so check us out if you need a cheap rental that may just include free petrol, insurance and of course free days 🙂

It looks to be a huge day with four Group 1 races featuring the Schweppes Sydney Cup over 3200 metres. Only ticket holders will have access to Royal Randwick so you need to get your bookings in quick!

Tickets to the TAB Sportsbet Paddock , the first time the Royal Randwick infield has been used for spectators in forty years, are still available for $25 through Ticketek.Royal Randwick

Feeling lucky?

If you can pick seven winners you may also be in to win $200,000!

Be on course to enter and GOOD LUCK!

Gates Open: 10:30

First Race: 12:25  Last Race: 16:50

If you are just keen to get going, go ahead and register your interest at:

Also, remember to ‘Like’ our social media pages so you can find out what’s new on Transfercar!


Happy free travelling!

Jayride Teams Up with Dunedin City Council in Carpooling Initiative

Jayride, one of New Zealand’s fastest growing car pooling initiatives has just announced it has teamed up with the Dunedin City Council to promote carpooling for the city, starting with Otago Polytechnic and Otago University.

This is a fantastic start to what we hope is a growing trend amongst city councils nationwide and even better, worldwide.

Carpooling, for those of you who aren’t up with the play, is a way to get from A to B fast and hassle free. At the same time you are also doing your bit to save the environment by lowering the number of vehicles on our roads.

Jayride lists all sorts of vehicles such as Transfercar’s free to drive rental vehicles which relocate between major cities nationwide, busses and private vehicles that need to get from A to B and want to share the cost of the journey.

What are the benefits:

  • Less cars on the road (goes without saying why this is a benefit)
  • Shared petrol costs
  • Great company
  • Faster (as you get to use the carpooling lanes)

So spread the word people, this is the new way to get around!

Transfercar relocations in the USA!

It’s a new day, it’s a new dawn, it’s a new country for Transfercar relocations!

That’s right, Transfercar  now offers you a delectable selection of free to drive deluxe relocation cars, campervans and RVs all across the big, bold and beautiful USof A.

Continue reading Transfercar relocations in the USA!