Relocation cars, law and ethics

cow-in-roadRelocation cars, law and ethics:  Legally if you see an animal in the middle of the road (lets say a mum and her ducklings), you are supposed to carry on driving straight through or over them without swerving to miss them if you can’t safely stop on the side of the road (no animal rights here). What if it’s a cow?? What does the insurance say??? This could be a great thing to find out…….any ideas??

Parking Overnight in a Campervan

I just received a question regarding parking overnight on the side of the road in a campervan. I did my research nz-campervan-no-camping-219x300and have found the answers I was looking for:

  • Locals don’t like people camping on the streets in their towns (And you really don’t want to be making trouble with the locals!).
  • Many towns have local by laws prohibiting overnight camping, and you’ll be woken at 4-5am and told to move on.
  • If there are no signs indicating you are allowed to park on the side of the road, you should not assume that it is acceptable to stop and park.
  • Most towns have motor parks, and camping grounds where you can park, and there are many opportunities for “Freedom Camping” outside of towns and built up areas.
  • Alongside rivers and lakes (except within a town boundary) or in designated camping areas within National Parks, you are welcome to camp to your heart’s content.

Just please make sure you have toilet facilities (no dumping in the bushes if you can help it) with you and also take all your rubbish when you leave!!

If you want to find out more, click here

New Zealand driving tips

If you’re planning on driving a  relocation car or campervan in New Zealand for the first time, these tips will assist you in understanding the rules and regulations of safe driving practices and help you have a safe and enjoyable vacation.

Not sure if you are allowed to drive?

Check out our article Driving in New Zealand


What’s the speed limit?

Speed limits are normally clearly posted by the road side.

New Zealand is blessed with gorgeous little winding roads as well as open stretches that go for miles. Every type of road in New Zealand has its good points and its bad.

If you’re driving in rural areas, watch out for gravel verges, especially on corners. Some isolated roads are unsealed and use gravel as the surface. In these cases, drive slowly. Check out for more at:

Continue reading New Zealand driving tips

What’s the right Australian visa for me?

sample_australia_visa_600x336If you’re planning on travelling to Australia this summer, and taking our free transfercars and campervans for a drive, one of the first things you need to sort out is your visa. There are so many different types, so it’s important you find the right one for you.  The best, and safest way of gaining the correct information is visiting the Australian Department of Government and Immigration‘s website. It’s accurate and easy to use, so be smart and make use of it and have a great and hassle free trip in one of the most spectacular places in the world.

Driving in Australia

Thinking of driving one of our Transfercars in Australia? Well, fine.roadsign_428x269_to_468x312

If you’re a visitor and hold a valid driver’s licence (in English) from your own country, fine, you’re allowed to drive throughout all of Australia. (But an international driver’s licence, if you have one, does not by itself give you the right to drive in Australia.)

If your driver’s licence is not in English, a translation may be necessary and you may also need to have an international driver’s licence.

Read the full article here….

What you need to know about New Zealand visa requirements

nz_visaIf your are intending to travel to New Zealand (and of course drive one of Transfercar’s fantastic free relocation vehicles), or in fact anywhere, the first thing you need to know is what the visa requirements are for that country.

To enter New Zealand you must have a passport valid for 3 months after the date of your intended departure.

You must also be carrying an onward/return ticket to a country you have permission to enter.

British Citizens and passport holders are entitled to enter New Zealand for up to 6 months and do not require a visa or visitor’s permit.

Citizens of Australia are also exempt from having to obtain visitor permits when holidaying in New Zealand.

Passport holders from the following countries do not need to apply for visitor visas or permits, and may visit New Zealand for up to 3 months:

Read the full article at