Don’t cancel trips to Christchurch: officials

Tourism officials in Christchurch have urged travellers to not let last week’s earthquake deter visits to the area.

In a statement Christchurch and Canterbury Tourism chief executive Tim Hunter reassured travellers that the damage from the quake last week did not affect buildings or operations in the city’s eastern suburbs.

Read the full article at Travel Blacboard

Tips on travelling greener with Transfercar

We are all aware that private vehicles are significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions globally. OK…possibly not quite as high as the agriculture sector (why NZ introduced the FART TAX!), but significant all the same.

Since many of us are not yet ready to ditch the wheels and put on a pair of rollerblades, we have to do our part in reducing these emissions while still enjoying the freedom and pleasure our cool little free relocation cars or campervans gives us without the guilt trip of killing the planet.

Also, being a green tourist does not only apply to getting around. It means so much more.

Here’s some ideas that will not only help save the planet, but will help save your wallet in the process: Continue reading Tips on travelling greener with Transfercar

Fuel consumption of relocation cars and campervans

Often we are asked about the fuel consumption of many of our relocation cars and campervans listed on Transfercar.

So I did a little bit of research and put together a quick guide on the average fuel use of commonly listed vehicles. This is not exact data but is an estimate only and will vary depending on the make and model of the vehicle and how you drive it (I’ll write about this soon!).

Continue reading Fuel consumption of relocation cars and campervans

How to request your free standby relocation car or campervan with Transfercar

For all our new or prospective relocation drivers, here’s a little bit of info on how to request a standby car or campervan on transfercar and

Step 1: Register as a driver.

  • Remember to sign up for email alerts for specific routes you are looking for or just to hear what new vehicles are being listed daily.

Step 2: Log in to or and look for the relocation car or campervan that suits your destination.

  • Be aware that the dates specified are the earliest and latest pick up and drop off dates  and you are given a certain amount of days between these dates to drive the vehicles.

Continue reading How to request your free standby relocation car or campervan with Transfercar

Relocation cars, law and ethics

cow-in-roadRelocation cars, law and ethics:  Legally if you see an animal in the middle of the road (lets say a mum and her ducklings), you are supposed to carry on driving straight through or over them without swerving to miss them if you can’t safely stop on the side of the road (no animal rights here). What if it’s a cow?? What does the insurance say??? This could be a great thing to find out…….any ideas??

Parking Overnight in a Campervan

I just received a question regarding parking overnight on the side of the road in a campervan. I did my research nz-campervan-no-camping-219x300and have found the answers I was looking for:

  • Locals don’t like people camping on the streets in their towns (And you really don’t want to be making trouble with the locals!).
  • Many towns have local by laws prohibiting overnight camping, and you’ll be woken at 4-5am and told to move on.
  • If there are no signs indicating you are allowed to park on the side of the road, you should not assume that it is acceptable to stop and park.
  • Most towns have motor parks, and camping grounds where you can park, and there are many opportunities for “Freedom Camping” outside of towns and built up areas.
  • Alongside rivers and lakes (except within a town boundary) or in designated camping areas within National Parks, you are welcome to camp to your heart’s content.

Just please make sure you have toilet facilities (no dumping in the bushes if you can help it) with you and also take all your rubbish when you leave!!

If you want to find out more, click here