Quality Budget Eats, Sleeps & Drinks in Sydney

Article written by Brooke and the team at WhyGoAustralia.

When I talk about “quality budget” eats, sleeps and drinks in Sydney, I’m referring to places that offer you the most bang for your buck, whether that be through offering a spectacular city view or loads of food for the price. Sydney is not really a budget backpacker’s dream, but with this list, at least you can get the most for the money that you do spend while in this multicultural city.

Quality Budget Eats in Sydney

mamakIf you enjoy eating, you’ll enjoy Sydney. The Asian influence is mighty strong here, meaning you can get your fill of Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese and Malaysian food, and the finest of the kind. Besides that, there’s a suburb by suburb menu of food styles to choose from. You can get Italian in Leichardt, Korean in Eastwood and Turkish over in Surry Hills. Continue reading Quality Budget Eats, Sleeps & Drinks in Sydney

Virgin, Air NZ partnership lifts off

Monday, 11 July 2011

Air New Zealand

Air New Zealand and Virgin Australia have officially launched their new trans-Tasman partnership, aligning fare structures, products and services.

For flights commencing 26 July, travellers can book tickets on either carrier with full code-sharing of flights across the Tasman including connecting domestic services.

Read the full article tanks to e-Travel Blackboard

For your free cars and campervans check out transfercar.co.nz & transfercar.com.au

Lucky Alice: The next aircraft boneyard!

Lucky Alice Springs? Not so sure if the locals feel that way.

ALICE Springs has been selected to be the first aircraft “boneyard” outside the US.

Functioning in the same way as  Pinal Airpark in Arizona, it will cover an area of 110ha and will house 300 planes in the Northern Territory, taking planes being decommissioned from service, that have been  stripped of all their parts like engines, electronics and wiring to be re-cycled.

It will also be a place where aircrafts as big as the A380 can be stored when they are not being used.

According to Alice Springs Airport general manager Katie Cooper the initiative is ‘ground-breaking’  for this part of the world,  but I wonder how ground breaking the locals and environmentalists think it is.

If you’re interested in checking it out,  try one of our free cars and campervans! Transfercar.com.au & Transfercar.co.nz

Scariest campsite ever!

Here I was looking at an article about the The Death Race (which is part of a circuit of obstacle-course competitions in the US, Canada and the UK known as Spartan Races), thinking, man what a bunch of sadistic people we humans are and also remembering the movie Death Race and Blade Runner and thinking how close we are getting to these movies…OK tangent now… when I saw a link that said “Scariest Campsite Ever!

I started to imagine campsites with crocodiles, bears or god forbid spiders, but this was so much worse!

Continue reading Scariest campsite ever!

Who are Transfercar drivers?

Did you know that we at Transfercar have a really vast array of people using our relocation vehicles? Even though English speakers are our number one relocaters, we also have a large number of German speaking travellers stopping by as do our French, Spanish, Italian and Chinese visitors.

As far as age groups are concerned, we have young travellers in their 20s moving between universities and tourists of all ages as well as seasoned drivers looking for a bit of fun and with time to spare.

We’ve helped film crews get between locations and earthquake victims move out of town. We’ve also relocated sports teams, backpackers and more recently, people stranded at airports due to ash clouds grounding their flights.

What’s best about our service, is we often see not just travellers but locals getting the opportunity to take a luxury 2 – 6 berth campervan or motorhome which may not have previously been possible had they had to pay a full daily rate.

We love being in this business and hope you get a chance (if you haven’t already) to make use of our service as it really is a fantastic way to take a break away from the daily grind.

If you are up for the ride, check out our FREE cars and campervans in New Zealand and Australia!

Volcanic ash disrupts NZ flights

New Zealand flights look like they could be disrupted for days as ash from the Chilean volcanic eruption drifts across the country.

The Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcano in Chile began erupting on June 4, with the ash plume drifting thousands of kilometres across the South Atlantic, South Africa, Indian Ocean, Tasmania and now across New Zealand.

More than 60 New Zealand flights have been cancelled and over 7000 passengers have been stranded at Airports over the weekend.

Air New Zealand will continue to fly but at lower altitudes however Jetstar and Quantas have both cancelled a number of flights as the ash cloud drifts closer.

If you are one of the unlucky travellers stuck at an airport right now, visit Transfercar or give us a call as we may be able to find you a free car or campervan to drive!