Great Road Routes of Aus: The Great Ocean Road

If you’re on your way from Melbourne to Adelaide, or just up for a very special adventure, be sure to travel The Great Ocean Road! Why? Because it’s considered one of the most captivating road trip routes in the world…

Continue reading Great Road Routes of Aus: The Great Ocean Road

How can I get across the Cook Strait by Ferry this summer?

Aratere FerryAs many already know, one of The Interislander’s largest passenger ferries, The Aratere, is expected to be out of service for at least 6 months after losing one of its propellers last month. This has, and will likely have a reasonably large impact on how vacationers in New Zealand manage to travel between the north and south islands this summer. Especially when renting a vehicle with no prior booking secured.

At this stage existing Interislander passenger and vehicle bookings will be honored, with many being rescheduled to alternative services, however no new vehicle bookings will be taken – with only foot passengers accepted.

Interislander general manager Thomas Davis is quoted by the NZ Herald as saying “We originally forecast to carry approximately 200,000 passengers and 55,000 cars during December and January. We now expect to carry only 140,000 passengers and 33,000 vehicles without an additional ship.” Continue reading How can I get across the Cook Strait by Ferry this summer?

New and improved free rental relocation information on Transfercar!

Whether you are new to Transfercar’s free car rental service or are a frequent voyager on the relocation scene, there are some new features on the website that you need to know about, that will make your relocation request process and journey easier.

A new look and feel will be launched soon, however in the meantime let’s look at the new features:

On the home page and main page of listings:

There are now two new columns: “Days available” and “Qty” or “Quantity”

Days available = How many free days are being offered between the dates on the listing details and also how many (if any) additional days being offered that can be purchased on top of the free days offered.

Once the “Drive it free” button is selected, a new page opens with all the vehicle and journey details outlined. What’s new here? Continue reading New and improved free rental relocation information on Transfercar!

The conscious traveller

Coastal pollutionTravelling with consciousness may seem a simple and obvious behavioral choice for seasoned global trotters. However it only takes a trip to the highly popular Thai islands to see the effects of global and local pollution, a fair amount due to international tourists I am sure.

According to The United Nations Environment Program “Negative impacts from tourism occur when the level of visitor use is greater than the environment’s ability to cope with this use within the acceptable limits of change. Uncontrolled conventional tourism poses potential threats to many natural areas around the world. It can put enormous pressure on an area and lead to impacts such as soil erosion, increased pollution, discharges into the sea, natural habitat loss, increased pressure on endangered species and heightened vulnerability to forest fires. It often puts a strain on water resources, and it can force local populations to compete for the use of critical resources.”

An often toted (and highly annoying) phrase used by many is “But what can one person do? Or “It’s too late, I can’t make a difference.” This is an outdated and irresponsible stance and to be honest, if this is your mind set, stay at home please, you are part of the problem.

So what can one wayward traveller do? Here are a few tips to get you started: Continue reading The conscious traveller

Road side emergency!

Campervan crashedYou have been on the road in your RV many times during the years. Luckily, things have always gone right and no major emergency has ensued. But what if you were to get caught in a sudden emergency situation, such as a fire and had to abandon the RV immediately? Are you prepared for such an eventuality? Do you have a few basic items necessary for survival ready at your hands? You should consider a survival ditch bag, just in case.

Read the rest of this story at

Tips on Renting a free motorhome with Transfercar

Motorhome in the parkThere’s nothing better than travelling in a Motorhome. It’s like taking your house with you while you explore new horizons. Rain or shine, hot or cold, motorhomes allow travellers the freedom of safe and comfortable travelling no matter where you decide to go (well nearly).

In New Zealand and Australia you have a smorgasbord of Motorhome Rentals to choose from. Some larger than others, some easier to drive and then all the variant possibilities in between.

They are quite different than campervans, in as much as motorhomes are self contained (have a shower and toilet) as well as a kitchen, often a fridge, hot and cold water and large sleeping berths. You can get a new hot water dispenser from As easy as they are to drive, you still need to know a few good tips before embarking on your exciting journey.

Here’s a few things worth knowing about motorhome rentals I have found from some global experts: Continue reading Tips on Renting a free motorhome with Transfercar