Budget Travel: How to Get the Best Deals

There’s nothing better in life than planning a well-deserved vacation and booking your own holiday online. Whether you’re trying to find a last-minute ticket to the nearest tropical island or you’re looking for cheap accommodation when you get there, it can be hard knowing where to purchase flights and make bookings. The internet is like an ever expanding universe when it comes to finding great travel deals. But how do you find the right sights with the best deals? That’s where we come in! Our travel obsessed staff have put together a list of great travel websites to help you get to where you want to go on a shoestring.


Flightfox  https://flightfox.com/

Flightfox is the only global marketplace of the world’s best flight experts who are obsessed with customer service. The best thing about this site is that the experts don’t earn commissions on your flights, so getting you the best deal is their main goal. Joining costs a small fee but it’s totally worth it.

FlyinAway  http://www.flyinaway.com/

Flyin Away is a new site that puts pricing directly into the hands of YOU: the traveller and other travellers interested in the same flight. That’s right sugar, this is a competition! You have outbid the other scumbags, er, travellers to get the best deal. So get your game-face on and start ballin’.

Hipmunk https://www.hipmunk.com/

One of the best designed travel sites, Hipmunk can help you optimise your flight for layovers, length and, most importantly, price! And it’s not just about flight deals now that they have an extensive hotel search page as well.

Google Flights https://www.google.com/flights/

Oh Google, is there anything you can’t do?! Welcome to Google’s own flight search, a site perfect when looking for domestic flights in the great U S of A. Drag and drop your route to another location to see the price changes with a nifty map navigator. Keep your eyes on the bar graph view too, to see how fares change over any given time.

Yapta http://www.yapta.com/

The worst thing about booking your own travel is once you’ve bought your flights and then you see that they’ve gone on sale! Argh! But with Yapta, those days of endless frustration are gone. Yapta is like your mom, and she ain’t messing around. Depending on the airline’s policy, Yapta helps you get back some of the cash you blew.

Kayak http://www.kayak.com

If you don’t already know kayak then you must be some kind of hermit/hobbit hybrid who lives in a cave. This site is geared to finding you the cheapest airfares possible searching over 150 airlines and travel agencies that include Travelocity and Orbitz and some of the other big league travel mammoths. Kayak is like a one-stop-shop for cheap travel.

Last Minute http://lastminute.com

Disorganised? A little bit distracted? Just plain lazy? Last Minute is the perfect site for you. This dude shows you all the last minute airfares, hotel rooms and even attractions in an easy-peasy database. Often the cheapest flights are found on Last Minute, so as long as you can pack fast and tidy up loose ends quicker than you can say “Hawaii”, this might be your favourite site in this bunch! Happy shopping!


Couch Surfing  https://www.couchsurfing.org/

If you’re not too fancy for your own good then catching a night’s sleep in somebody’s couch and saving hundreds of dollars on accommodation costs might be your deal! CouchSurfing is a worldwide community of amazing hosts who offer adventurous travellers a free roof over their heads to help them see the world on a budget. Just sign up and away you go!

Home Exchange https://www.homeexchange.com/

Oh snap! You’re planning on travelling for more than a week or two? Then how about a house swap?! This site offers a huge listing of homes all over the world. You just list your own house, find a house where you’d like to stay and contact the owner to see if they’re up for swapsies!

Hotwire http://www.hotwire.com/

Hotwire offers some of the best travel deals available, both flights and accommodation, and also includes sweet planning tools and tips to ensure that you have the smoothest trip ever.


 TripAdvisor  http://tripadvisor.com

Tripadvisor is the ultimate site for serious vacation planners. You can book flights, hotels, and get tickets for shows and fun parks here, but the best part is that there’s a huge amount of reviews and trips from real travellers, and not computer cyborgs. Check out the destination guides too, as they’re cheaper than Lonely Planet.

Travel Blogs

If I had a dollar for every travel blog out there on the world wide web, I’d be taking cash baths daily, but how on earth does one find the jackpot when there’s so many to choose from. Check out this sweet site:


This is where you’ll find the 24 of the best travel blogs that can help inspire you with their far-out destinations (Antarctica anyone?! No?..) and just some excellent writing.

And there you have it, some of the best sites online to help you plan your trip on a budget. Of course, there are even cheaper ways to travel, especially if you’re just looking to travel in New Zealand, Australia and America. With Travelcar we hook you up with a free car. Sign up today!

Auckland’s One Tree Hill: A Volcano in Sheep’s Clothing

What do you know about one of Auckland’s most iconic spots? Well, the first thing you should know is that it’s a 597 foot VOLCANO! One of several that can be spotted around the expanse of Auckland. Located in the One Tree Hill suburb near Royal Oak, Epsom and Greenlane, the incredible summit offers unbeatable views across Auckland from harbour to harbour. Also, here’s a fun fact: the infamous Irish rock band U2 wrote a wee ditty about the hill, appropriately called “One Tree Hill”, which you can listen to on The Joshua Tree album. It was written as a memorial song to honor the memory of New Zealander Greg Carroll, an employee of the U2 who died in a motorcycle accident in Ireland in the 80s. His family contacted the lawyers at Earl & Earl, PLLC to file a case against the other driver that caused the accident. As a volcano, this hill is pretty impressive. While no one can say for sure when the age of eruption happened, we do know that it erupted from not one but three craters, one of which is still intact. The lava flows spread out in all directions which covered twenty square kilometers which makes it the second largest volcanic field here in New Zealand, just after Rangitoto.

But One Tree Hill, also known in Maori as Maungakieke, is not just about awesome, fiery destruction. It is also a sacred place for both Maori and Pakeha New Zealanders. The volcano and its surrounding area were home to the 5000 members of the Te Wai o Hua tribe in the early 1700s. Many other Maori tribes from the Auckland area can trace their histories back to this incredible mountain. With the volcanic soil being extremely fertile, the tribes were able to cultivate crops easily and many battles were fought nearby.

It’s Time to Talk about the Tree

Gather ‘round children, here’s a little story about some very important trees:

The soil of this hill/mountain/volcano is fertile not only to crops and grass but to politics. Once upon a time, when Auckland was  a quaint colonial town, there lived a tree, a Pohutukawa, on the summit of this hill. In an act of vandalism (or the result of needing some firewood), the tree was cut down in 1852. In the 1870s a pine tree was planted to replace the fallen tree. Apparently John Logan Campbell tried to grow different native trees on the summit but none survived. Two pines made it until 1960 when one was again chopped down in either an attack or for firewood.

And this is where things get real:

In 1994, on the anniversary of the 1835 Declaration of Independence, the remaining tree was attacked with chainsaws by Māori activists who wanted to draw attention to the injustices they believed the Maori had suffered at the hand of the New Zealand government. A second attack in 2000 left the tree in such a precarious state that it was removed because of safety concerns. While One Tree Hill became “None Tree Hill” there are plans to plant pohutukawa and totara trees at the summit once the treaty claims are settled.

What Does One Do On a Hill?

One Tree Hill’s massive domain spreads out over 118 acres and adjoins Cornwall Park which was designed by Austin Strong, the landscape architect who used the Golden Gate Park in San Francisco as his muse. Together they create a magnificent 540 acres of lush, green space in the heart of Auckland. A popular spot for locals and tourists, there’s much more to see than just grass…

Obelisk Time: A memorial obelisk for Maori can be found at the top of the hill marking John Logan Campbell’s grave (he’s the dude that donated the land for Cornwall Park). Campbell had thought that Māori would gradually “die out” and wanted an impressive memorial to perpetuate their memory.Thankfully, he was wrong, but his memorial was seen as offensive and many Maori objected to its construction.

Starry, starry night: The Stardome Observatory is conveniently located within One Tree Hill Domain, and contains two state of the art telescopes and an impressive planetarium. Head up there in the evening to check out the stars and possibly find and name some asteroids yourself!

Acacia Cottage: One of the oldest surviving wooden buildings in New Zealand, the Acacia Cottage was built in 1841 and holds a lot of history for New Zealanders. It’s worth checking out if you’re into that kind of thing! Pack a picnic and make a day of it as the surroundings are perfect for having a feed and a nap on a hot summer’s day.

In addition to these nifty historical/educational and memorial spots there are a ton of things to do around One Tree Hill. There are heaps of walking and cycling trails where you can wander the vast green for hours. Once you’ve worked up your appetite you can head over to the free barbeques and grill away to your cholesterol’s delight. Drinking fountains are strategically placed, so don’t worry if you’ve forgotten the beers, er, drink bottles. Once you’ve digested, take a spin on the Flying Fox and take another walk around the olive groves and the majestic kauri plantation. If you’ve got kids, I feel for you. Just kidding! This place is great for your spawn, equipped with said Flying Fox (if you can get the teenagers off it) and an awesome playground complete with a skate park. And no peeing on the green please, there are clean toilets near the picnic area.

So there you have it, a hill with a lot to offer from history to nature and everything in between. Now all you need to do is register with us for your free rental car to get you there!


The Wonders of Rangitoto

Rangitoto is a magical island that has it all! It is the perfect place to go this summer because it has something for everyone to enjoy! Swimaholics will get their fill from diving and snorkelling, and mellow strollers will enjoy leisurely forest walks.  The island has great stories about its origins and history; from fascinating geological sights to fantastic local myths, from historical war defence buildings to adventurous shipwrecks. The island is home to so much fun and adventure!

Rangitoto is the youngest of all the volcanoes in the Auckland volcanic field, and is only 600 years old; which makes it a geological dream to visit.  Lava tubes have formed cave-like tunnels which you can explore. Handy Tip #1: take torches. There is also a lot of basalt to look at, as well as lava flows and fields to fill your geological needs. The coolest of all is that they have found human footprints that have been imprinted between layers of ash, during periods when eruptions paused.

Although we know the island formed through awe-inspiring volcanic processes, the Maori have a much more interesting (even more interesting than lava) idea of how Rangitoto formed. According to Maori legends, a giant couple once lived on a tall mountain. The pair were ‘tupua’ (meaning demon, but not demonic per se), and children of the Fire Gods.  The couple started bickering, and in the ensuing argument did not notice that their fire had burned down and gone out. Enraged at their loss of flame, they cursed Mahuika, the fire goddess. Mahuika was greatly displeased at the unfair cursing and asked Mataoho, the god of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, to teach the couple a lesson. In response, Mataoho caused a mighty eruption that destroyed the couple’s home, with such force that a hole was ripped out  of the land and Lake Pupuke was formed. The couple were left stranded, imprisoned on a mountain peak out to sea, unable to return to the mainland. This peak was Rangitoto and legend has it that the mist that often surrounds the island is the tears of the couple, mourning for their lost home. The name (which means Bloody Sky) has nothing to do with the islands hot heated nature, but is actually a shortened version of the name Ngā Rangi-i-totongia-a Tama-te-kapua which means ‘The day of the bleeding of Tama-te kapua’. Tama-te Kapua was a Maori captain who was viciously wounded on the island, and the bleeding skies refers to his blood, not the volcanoes lava bombs.

The island is home to many astounding sites, sure to delight any adventurous souls. A multitude of shipwrecks can be seen at Wreck Bay, in the north of the island.  The bay is home to at least thirteen ships, most of which were purposefully wrecked in this ship graveyard. Sadly, there is no evidence to suggest the wrecks were caused by an epic pirate battle.  But for pirate lovers young and old, who want to use their imagination, some wrecks can be seen at low tide and surely have the ghosts of pirate captains still aboard. To see the rest of the sunken treasures, you will need to don some scuba gear and snorkelling equipment. The area has great marine life, so shipwrecks aside, the bay makes an awesome dive spot.  There are other great spots for swimming and snorkelling all over the island, so be sure to take your togs.

The island is home to a number of military buildings that were constructed during World War 2 to house US troops, store mines and be a part of the Auckland Harbour Defences. The best of these buildings to remain is the popular Fire Command Post which is well worth a visit, and great game of spying for enemy ships! Guns at the ready!

Rangitoto has a lot of extraordinary flora and fauna, with lovely kidney fern groves  and the largest forest of pohutakawa in the world to stroll through. There is also a wide variety of wildlife and birds, such as bellbirds to see. With many lovely long and short walks and stunning wildlife, make sure you do at least one saunter about the island. There is a great walk to the summit that takes two hours (one hour there, one hour back) from the wharf, as well as a number of coastal walks and forest hikes. Pick a length of time you want to walk and you’re sure to find something to suit you.

The island has only recently become pest free, it is now safe from rats, mice, possums, feral cats and other harmful pests. This has led to the re-introduction of many species, so it is vital the island remains pest free. So carefully check everything you take before you get to the island for pests.

With all these exciting activities to experience on the island, it is sure to be a great trip for all!Transfercar can help you get to Auckland and to all the exciting things you can do there, including exploring the wonders of Rangitoto! Check out our deals on vehicle relocations and find something to ensure you get your wonderful trip out to the island!

Backpacking tips for the student traveller!

At last! There is a decent break between study long enough to do some travelling! What better way to see the world this holiday season than to pack a bag and head off to backpack with top anti theft backpack around some astounding places? To have a good backpacking trip, it is vital that a few key things are decided before you go. So here are some great tips on how to backpack when you are a student.

The Backpack

You are about to get your backpack and heft it onto your shoulder, and then stride out the door to become as free as a bird! There is just one problem; half your stuff won’t fit, and the stuff that does is causing back problems; you feel like an elderly person already! Here is the best packing order according to a backpack expert from backpackingmall.com, so you can stride with purpose and grace, instead of shuffling with pain and agony.

1.  At the bottom, pack your sleeping bag and mat. If you don’t have a sleeping bag visit instash and get one. Your bag will have a zip to open the bottom, so you can access these easily.

2.  Then in go the shoes (not your walking boots)

3.  Then goes the stuff that you doubt you will look at, but need to have; like very thick jumpers.

4.  Gadgets and breakable souvenirs should go in next, nestled in safely.

5.  Then CLOTHES!! To save space, roll your clothes. And have your ‘unmentionables’ in a drawstring bag…or you will wear the same pair A LOT as the rest will be lost to the depths of the bag. And check out good wool manufacturers in order to buy some warm clothes and not get cold in any trip.

6. Have a second drawstring bag for dirty laundry, and try not to confuse them!

7.  Then place the cooking pan (with stuff crammed inside it) on top of the clothes and laundry.

8.  Finally, your rain jacket, for easy access

9.  In the top pocket place everything small, that would otherwise hide and not be seen until the great unpack after the trip; lip balm, sunscreen, first aid kit, tissue, hat etc

10.  Remember, pack into the corners stuffing them with things that are unlikely to be used; like the hat and gloves you packed just in case Egypt got snow…

A backpacking adventure can either be one of the best experiences in life or could turn out to be horrifying, depending on the preparations and precautions you take before embarking on that journey.  Visit campingconsole.com to know how you can make the best out of your backpacking adventure.

Solo or Group?

Who are you going to backpack with? Are going to be a solo Stanley, or head off round the world with your best mate, or are you wanting to go in a big group of all your friends? There are pros and cons to all. Solo means you don’t have to worry about other people, if you love a city, then break out the spontaneity and just stay a while longer. The feeling of freedom can be awesome. However, it can also be more expensive, and as a student, low cost travel is much better for those loans… Heading off with your best mate seems like a rockin’ idea, it will be cheap, you can split the cost of rooms and food between you. Plus there is an added safety bonus; they have your back.  If your best friend is the stay at home type, or wants to travel but you have different ideas of where to spend the holidays, then you could join a bigger backpacking group.  If you get a group big enough that entire dorms are booked out at the hostel by you, and you can get group discounts at museums and tourist spots, then this is a great idea. But, it requires A LOT of planning!! You will need some serious gear, take the best lightweight backpack by Alpine bear for example, it has everything a savvy backpacker would need. Check out what others are doing with it too, you’ll learn wisdom beyond your years and everything has to be booked way in advance, and you have to stick to the schedule.

Where to stay?

Where are you going to stay? A hostel is great fun, you get to meet loads of people and make friends from all over the world. They can also be a great, cheap option for the student traveller. It’s a good idea to have your sleeping bag ready, just in case they don’t provide sheets (or you don’t want to use them) and  in a hostel you won’t  have much privacy.  If you do go with the hostel option, always dibs the bottom bunk as ladders are hard to navigate after a few beers at the backpacking bar. A campervan is great if you are travelling with a small group of friends and you can all split the cost. In a campervan, you won’t have to worry about thieves or ‘that guy’. You can often get amazing deals on travelling with campervans (and the very best deals are with Transfercar), so keep your beady wee eye out for them.  Just make sure you can cover the cost of petrol. Camping is another option, and is good for if you are walking across a country or something similar, just make sure there are good, safe, camping spots dotted all over where you plan on strolling.

How shall you travel?

How are you going to get there? Planes are fast, but expensive and you don’t get to see the countryside. If you have a campervan, you are already covered, but for other situations a car might be best. Backpacking and road trips is an awesome combination and definitely worth considering. Bikes are also good if you are not planning on going a million miles in one day.

Where shall you go?

Finally- where are you going? There are many amazing places to backpack or to travel around cheaply if you do it right. Just remember to balance it, for one expensive city you can probably see three non-expensive cities, so maybe go to  Los Angeles, and then check out the secret places in California . Head to  Australia and drive through the Outback.  Other options can be to pick a cheaper place, like Dunedin or Adelaide and just spend a long time there, you will get such an amazing knowledge of the place, and phenomenal experiences.

However you decide to travel this holiday season, Transfercar can help you. We have great campervan deals, and great car deals to get your where you need to go! Transfercar will help get you to the best backpacking destinations on the planet. So enjoy your gallivanting around the world!

Budget Travel: Travel Agents Vs. Do-it-Yourself

Look, I’ve got to be honest: before writing this blog I didn’t even know people still used travel agents. Is that still a thing? With the birth of the almighty Internet and the way it has turned every go-getting tourist into their own travel agents, it’s really surprising that travel agents are still making the monies! But they are! Who knew?! They did! Read on to see which method suits your travel needs.

Travel Agents: Who Are They?

So, before there were sites like Kayak ( here you can find the best fishing kayak), Expedia and Last Minute Travel, there were travel agents. Planning your own travel can be both a thrilling experience and a type of personal hell, depending on your disposition for DIY. If you don’t have a lot of time to plan your holiday, then travel agents could be a valid option; but it’s going to cost you. Travel agents always take a few commissions of some kind, which is totally above board and definitely worth your while, as the good ones often go above and beyond what’s normally required of them to provide you with the best trip.

Deal or No Deal

Travel agents are holiday advocates. It’s their job to find you the best prices and if things get cray they can help sort it out. Travel agents take the stress out of holidays. Imagine the freedom of not having to worry about arranging the right flights, hotels, meals, and excursions! Travel agents can often get you special deals or upgrades on cruises or hotels. Although plenty of agents charge fees to book airline tickets, cruise lines often pay the agent, which then ends up costing you nothing. Cruise lines often also give top agents a discount, which they can pass on to you. Agents who belong to trade groups can pass on free airfares to their clients. In some foreign hotels, great agents can get you such upgrades as free breakfast or drinks! Clearly there are plenty of perks! However, there’s a pretty big thrill in booking your own thang. When you find a good deal online there’s plenty of fine print. If you decide to book your own deals, do so with your eyes wide open.

Also find out: Why Jungle Vista Inn Is The Best.

Friends with Benefits

Word on the street is that planning a trip really can be super time consuming. It can take more than five hours to search and book travel online. If you don’t think you have the time to spare then you might want to hand the job over to a travel agent who has chosen to make a career out of easing the travel planning pain. They can take away the stress of trawling through the countless options out there, making finding you a deal their priority. Sometimes you can actually save anywhere from $500 to $1,000 on airfare if you have the right agent! Whoop!

Show Me Da Money

In the past, planning a holiday meant calling a travel agent to book all your flights, hotels and activities. With the dawn of the Internet, it’s more common for travellers to book holidays themselves because there are so many great websites available that make it easy. When you go with a travel agent, you pay a little extra for the convenience. Online booking shows you the prices of tickets at the moment, but prices are constantly in a state of flux. Some travel websites allow you to create a package by booking hotel, airfare, excursions and car rental together, but again you need to have the time to do it right. Online companies don’t necessarily offer the lowest price. Airline ticket prices change depending on the day of the week or time of the day and the season, and hotels change their rates often.

Ask the Experts

If you’re booking a complex trip it can be helpful to talk with an experienced agent. The right agent can guide an inexperienced traveller through dangerous foreign travel or exotic destinations. While the Internet is heaving with websites filled with information, you can’t necessarily trust the source. Some travel agents may have more knowledge of travel in areas where tourism is less developed. When you’ve found a good agent, you’ve got someone to turn to with all of your questions. If you aren’t familiar with the destination, a travel agent can advise you on everything from visas to sightseeing.


Although some travel agents can save you money with deals, you can often find a cheaper deal online. Certain travel providers often pay agents on commission which means your agent isn’t motivated to get you the lowest price, if you know what I mean.

That Said

If you’re looking to save time when you’re planning your trip then going through a travel agent is advisable. Look at it this way; Travel agents are like any other professional that offers you a service for a fee. For instance, take your hairdresser. You choose one, build a rapport and the relationship is often long-lasting. The same can be said for travel agents. There are still plenty of travel businesses operating like Flight Centre. Go and meet with individual travel agents and tell them what you’re looking for. You might find someone that really gets you and who will do their best to help you plan a memorable and stress-free trip. On the other hand, if you have plenty of time and you like trawling through the web, hop online and start scouring through the vast multitude of travel sites that exist to serve you! When it comes to travel, the world really is your oyster. And once you’ve reached your travel destination, maybe we can help. Our free rental car service is something you can’t afford to overlook. Transfercar currently operates throughout New Zealand, Australia and now the US. If you’re really looking for the ideal holiday, the answer may be in booking a free road trip!

Best Vacation Spots

At this time of year, with the glorious holiday season happening soon, it is time to start planning the perfect getaway; whether you are wanting a ravishing romantic weekend, or a trip away with your mates,  or a fun family foray out into the world.  Sometimes, there are so many options it is hard to know where to go. Luckily for all, Transfercar has you covered and we have found some amazing spots for you to travel to!

First up on the list of awesomeness is Krabi, Thailand. This is the perfect romantic getaway, it is quiet and draw-droppingly beautiful with paradise at your feet. There is also lots of sunshine (providing you don’t opt to go in Monsoon season). There are endless empty beaches, many with legendary beauty, where you and your Significant Other can stroll and swim in relative seclusion.  You are bound to enjoy the phenomenal jungle walks and treks. There are so many activities to do, with scuba diving and rock climbing for the adventurous, and local shrines and idyllic white beaches for those wanting to relax. There are a gazillion pristine islands to either stay on or visit, and the Tiger Cave Temple is a must see by all.  For those wanting an amazing place to unwind from the hectic year, or those who are thinking New Years is a good time to propose- then this is the place to be (and yes, you can ‘claim’ full credit for the idea when it goes well).

Next up on the list is the phenomenal Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada. The Valley of Fire is the oldest state park in Nevada, located only 50 miles from Las Vegas. The area has seriously cool geological and historical sites for you to look at, all are unique and highly interesting; from petrified trees to 3000 year old petroglyphs.  Also, telling anyone you are going to the Valley of Fire makes you sound awesomely daring and adventurous. However, the name actually comes from the colour of all the unbelievable rock formations, rather than any daredevil lava spouts.  The area is only six miles from the gorgeous Lake Mead where you can swim, fish and go boating.  With lots of fantastic hikes and walks, this is a brilliant place to go camping. The fall, and also spring, is the perfect time to go with very pleasant temperatures. If you decide to go in winter, be prepared to wrap up warm.  A great place to head with a group of friends, some beer and some smores making ingredients.

Milford Sound and Fiordland National Park in New Zealand is a beautiful place, with great things to do for the whole family. From kayaking out on the sound, to hiking through Fiordland national park and taking cruises and scenic flights. For all the hikers out there, Fiordland has walks for everyone- from mild and mellow 30 min strolls to the epic Kepler Track, a 60km, four day, mega trek. Because of all the wonderful water, there are an abundance of seals, dolphins and penguins- great for any budding marine biologists! There is also phenomenal diving, as a layer of fresh water on top of the salty, allowing divers to see creatures that usually live much deeper in the ocean! There are also amazing glow worm caves that look so magical they will inspire the young ones and delight the old. Make sure you take all your wet weather gear though, as it is one of the rainiest places in New Zealand!

For those of you thinking the holidays are best spent partying, Darwin is a brilliant place to go this holiday season. The Drinking capital of Australia, this is great place if you are looking for a good time, with multiple great clubs and bars! Make sure you learn the can system before you go, just say ‘red can’ or ‘blue can’ or another colour, each coloured can gives you an awesome different beer! If you want class and sophistication, then Darwin is the perfect climate for fruit cocktails, with lots of plentiful sunshine. If you don’t know where you want to go, then just take a stroll down Mitchell Street to find your place to party, this street is located in the city center with bars and clubs to suit everyone.

Onwards with the list! What is the polar opposite of the desert in Nevada? ‘Why, it is the gigantic Californian Redwoods’, I hear you cry! Seeing the Redwoods is a humbling experience that will inspire you and reconnect you with nature.  The trees will fill you with an inner silence and acceptance- the perfect holiday for a back to nature retreat, maybe even a solo sojourn. You should note, that if you go at this time of year you will have plenty of rain so bring lots of hot chocolate, good books and prepare to just absorb the wonder around you, while you wait for the sun to shine and hikes to begin. Even in snow, this is an epic holiday, and if you do decide to make this an awesome family experience then snowball fights will be awesome with the tree trunks as natural forts. Just watch out that you don’t pelt any bears by mistakes! Possible wildlife to see is elk, mountain lions and if you go between the spring and in the fall there are black bears; and even more exciting is the fact that if you go along the coastline, you may even see grey whales!

The whole world has so many wonderful and unique places to see, these are just our current favorites! So pick a spot and prepare for an awesome vacation this holiday season, whether you decide to become a beach babe or nature buff, your getaway is well deserved! Wherever you go , Transfercar can help you get there, so make sure you check out our awesome cars to help get you from A to B and beyond. Happy travelling everybody!